Monday, December 29, 2008

Bosco In Kajang

hohoho... guess wat? today i saw bosco 黃宗澤 at metro point LOL!!! terkejut? lololol... shinjiranai desu~ cox... KAJANG wor... da place is kinda "山芭" lol... not famous also... no offence lol...

some hor... even say that~ kajang = car junk LOL!!! wa seh... nowadays ppl r so "creative" hor? lololol... OH YAH~ psps almost forgotten... kajang is also famous for SATAY... ahahaha...

i think hor... da day bosco came... is da day metro point OWNS da word "paling ramai orang" for breakin kajang's record LOL!!! kudos to metro point~ hahaa... cox tahun lepas countdown also not that geng... imagine da "powah" of artist lololol...

well nothin much to describe... cox u all also know ma... whenever an artist comes... da place sure crowded like hell luuu... screamin here n ther... holdin banner or cardboard wit da title of "我们爱你"... somethin like that la...

n u shud know... artist won't simply come to a place de... sure got reason de... cox ther's no such thing as "free of charge" LOL!!! well bosco came to 宣传 his ep album "in love with bosco"...

afta da intro... he sang "全角度爱你"... his main album theme... well da song quite nice... not bad la... boleh tahan... hahaa... selepas itu... it's da "siapa cepat dia dapat" game time lol... da lucky fans wil hav da chance to play wit bosco...

they hav to think of somethin... to confess to bosco LOL!!! n semua ada diff style... da WORST is da auntie la... so old edi stil ACT young... OMG lmao... sayin those 肉麻 words... wat "千里远~ 对你的爱~ 看到你~ 我心里觉得很兴奋~"... aaaa forgotten edi... 总之 very "胃" la... hahaa... it's somethin u dun wanna listen lol...

n ther's a gal... did a SUPER simple confession... no words jus HUG lololol... damn simple rite? n bosco allowed her to hug him!!! wa seh... sooo 幸福 la... i bet semua DAMN envy her now... hahaaa... da huggin hor... looked kinda sweet lol... n she's da winner for gettin da most applause lolx... shinjiranai? cox da simplest confession WON~ hahaa...

afta da "confession" game... bosco sang again... n it's da autograph session time... well not semua can hav his original signature... u needa buy his ep album only can hav lol... besides da signature thingie... they also hav da chance to take pic wit him...

too bad i dun hav da chance... bo lui~ hahah... but at least hor... i berpeluang to see him "LIVE"... bosco as in real life... not tru tv or hk drama lol... n i hav no regrets at all... well all da best to bosco~ jia you jia you...

waaa~ so crowded hor? 1st time ever in kajang lol...

all waitin for bosco lol... imagine da "powah" of artist lol...

bosco shakin hands!!! OMG who's da lucky kid?

da yellow t-shirt is da "auntie" lol...

da simplest confession... a HUG~ sweet rite? wat a lucky gal...

a guy confessin lol... actually i kenal da guy... swt...

bosco's assistant n MY FM DJs lol...

autograph session... lucky fella~

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