Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What The Heck? So Damn Slow

waaaaa... today hor... i woke up super early leh... just like old school days lol~ haiz... my hp alarm kept snoozin every 10 mins lolx... so ke sian... n i kept pressin non-stop LOL!!! ahahaa... like very silly leh... lmao... ppl sure say "waste battery nia..." haha yah i noe... BUT bo bien lo... cox i LOVE to sleep... like a piggie nia... n all my frens noe dat LOL...

haiz~ actually hor... u noe why i terpaksa bangun super super awal ma? cox of my dentist appointment lo... doin braces adjustment de... n u noe wat? i WAITED 2 hours n 30 mins at d shah alam hospital!!! jus for 10 mins to adjust my braces??? OMG... damn SLOW la... really beh tahan... seriously OMG la... it's my 1st time waitin so DAMN long... wth???

tambahan pula... d dentist was TEACHIN 2 trainees how to do braces adjustment!!! OMG la... he wan teach then teach other day la... why 偏偏 choose this day??? got so many days for him to teach... n he chose this special x-mas eve day? OMG... i tiok gb jackpot also not so ZHUN la... but this??? lmao...

n d hospital hor... especially d pergigian section... so crowded until ppl terpaksa berdiri n wait... n some even SAT at d staircase ther!!! waaa can u imagine how crowded it was? LMAO... ppl sittin at d staircase readin newspapers LOL!!! so "yeng" leh... ahahha... luckily i got place to sit la... if not my legs really 软绵绵 edi LOL... i really fell asleep while waitin lolx...

n hor... dunno for wat reason... mus b quite ridiculous de la... cox when i asked "errr... nombor?" d nurse said "letak saja... tak payah nombor..." n i was like "wth? so many times tak payah number edi?" OMG... seems like they dun1 use number system edi... they DAMN "enjoy" callin our names LOL!!! ahahaa... sigh~ really stupid la... without d numbers... ppl wanna take a quick nap also tak boleh... haiz really 无话可说了~

lastly... i hope d government wil improve their services la... not just in hospital nia... other places also must la... dunno why government workers work so DAMN slow de... really beh tahan their workin attitudes... especially xxxxxx... hahaa... i guess u noe who i'm sayin la... no need to write out lolx...

til here... buh-bye~ xP


nUNu said...

WOOOAA!!! 2.30 hrs!!! So long wat u did during tht time??fa dai??Wooa i tell u..whn i take my undang test ah...i waited 4 d antie 2 cum n fetch me...u noe hw long i waited?? 1hr+++ le...sumoroe dun hav chair 4 me to sit..hav to ltr i beh tahan i sit infront of a vry pek check lo d antie..she said ah..her car duno no fuel or wat...aiya....pek check nia...

Last said...

i just...
starin at ppl...
playin hp...
read newspaper entertainment part...
n fall asleep?
auntie??? LOL
sure very slow d...
forgotten this that...
hahha... xP
u cant blame her lol...
cox auntie always very "mo" lol

nUNu said...

LOLOLOL...i duno la..she is my mom's fren....
so ah...aftr finish..I pass d..hoho...
i dun wanna go bac there again...

Last said...

of cox la...
pass d u stil want go back meh?
see the auntie...
drivin so slow...
i dun even wanna see d officers edi...
those jpj ppl lol...

nUNu said...

yeaaaa......all slow motion...
waste ppl time nia...duno hw to sav up sum tim n do smthin more useful ma..haiz..

Last said...

u shud tell dat...
to d auntie LOL...
slow motion = cannot do anythin