Saturday, December 13, 2008

Gunbound Suckz

hmmm... i'm guessin dat u guys got somethin to ask me rite...? u probably will ask "eh... i tot u love to play gb 1... how come it suckz? i tot it's ur only fav on9 game..." lol... well gb is definitely NOT my fav on9 game... it's gettin suckz n suckz more LOL... lmao...

u noe why? coz i've been playin gb since f1... altho i sering play stop play stop... but i KNOW the diff between old gb n new gb... n the diff is CASHIE users UP till 80%!!! CASHIE avatars had taken up 70% of the ava shop!!! it is DAMN unfair...

stupid GMs dunno thinkin wat... gb is a FREE on9 game ma... why they wanna keep upgradin it until it become like a CASHIE on9 game... this is SO lame sia... they stupid brains only thinkin about d MONEY they can earn nia... they r HEARTLESS ppl who dun care about d GOLD users!!!

every time durin d event... the CASHIE ava will look NICER n hav "PRO" stats... whereas d GOLD ava will look DAMN UGLY n hav "PRO" stats BUT damn EXPENSIVE... UGLY gold ava will cost around 700k til 1million... this is DAMN ridiculous rite? 70% of the GOLD users r NOT that rich n we cannot afford to buy!!! why we always get d UGLY ava??? n why those "RICHIES" get d NICE ava??? why GMs r treatin us like this??? we DUN deserve to b treated like this!!! LAME GMs... u guys SUCKZ!!!

not jus dat... stupid GMs even invented item2 which only CASH can buy!!! that is d WORST n DUMBEST step they ever made... by introducin LAME item2 such as volcano, nuke, thunderstorm, thor... even NOOB cashie ppl wit LAME item2 who hav NO skills also can WIN against ppl who hav skills... u jus hav to NUKE d enemy few times to bungee them n u wil win... or usin stupid volcano to inflict dmg till d enemy's life is 0 n u can kill easily... this is damn LAME n NOOB rite?

well... wit d LAME item2 + CASHIE ava... gb is gettin SUCKZ n SUCKZ... n even sometimes we call it "LAME"... gold users r becomin sikit sikit sikit edi... n sometimes bcoz of all d CASHIE stuff... even GOLD users wil charge CASH!!! u noe why? bcoz they BEH TAHAN edi!!! we really BEH SONG kena bullied by CASHIE users n item2...

even if d room title says "NO item2" but those ppl r BLIND... they DUNNO how to read OMG??? n just use item2 in d game... after usin it then say "sorry~~~ i din see OR forgotten..." LMAO... dat is the LAMEST reason i ever heard... how can u FORGET? or DIN see??? d room title is SO big... n DUN tell me u jus simply come into d room to play??? this is LAME sia... stupid ppl...

GMs also invented NEW mobiles... wolf, phoenix, maya... well this is so "GREAT"... i mean d "GREAT" lol... u probably noe wat i meant... wolf is TOO powerful... it is NOT balance at all... it has FULL att n can MINUS ppl's att??? lmao ridiculous... n it is NOT affected by jd's shot2 suction... this is so KI SIAO man... whereas phoenix n maya is ONLY for CASHIE ppl... oh great... CASH again??? lmao wth... CASHIE ppl r usin phoenix n maya to bully GOLD users... this is so LAME sia... stupid cashie n GMs...

tambahan pula... gb has TOO many hackers... u can see "AUTO win" room titles in all d servers... auto win means dat when d game just started... u already lose... no need to play... ur id can b afk ther too... n get free gold n gp... really LAME hackers... n GMs aren't doin anythin about it!!! WTH r they doin? busy earnin money??? even d GAME GUARD also can't solve d STUPID problem... lmao...

n 1 more thing... GMs had upgraded d stats max till 100!!! LMAO... last time was 50... then 75... n now 100??? wth... so LAME sia... wat about d GOLD users??? our stats SUCKZ at this point... only kena bullied by CASHIE ppl who hav PRO stats... like 100 att def health... lmao... u dun hav to fight them... they can do 1 hit for 1k++ dmg n u're KO edi... if not d dmg... means d life is tooooo long edi... like u think u hit them about 1.5k dmg... but they still hav 1/4 life left??? whereas ur 1.3k dmg if inflicted to urself u can say buh-bye edi... lmao... ridiculous...

haiz... enough said edi... dun wanna say so much edi... complain so much also no use... coz GMs only hav $_$ face... they dun care whether we enjoy d game or not... they just wanna earn MONEY to survive LOL... lmao... altho gb SUCKZ... but i wil still continue to play bcoz it's currently d only on9 game i hav... n i had met many new frenz ther too... as long as ther r frenz playin... u won't get bored... n i'm happy to meet doris, karen, chong, muchie, skyle, lisa, wind, boring, excel, shir, rachel, nakky in GB~~~ this is d only thing i wil never regret forever... =)


nUNu said...

LOL...yea..if gt frens play in the game wif u..u will cont to play...haha...i miss my maples frens la...loose contact ad...sigh..nw oso duno wat hapen to my acc..hahaa.....whn frens din on9..wooaa..really bored whn frens on9..wooaaa..thn the fun begin...

Last said...

haha ya...
u play game hor...
need frenz d...
if not very boring...
nobody to chat a...
really dun feel like playin edi...
no frenz = no life