Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Friendship Watch

today hor... i went to metro point leh... n i'm not alone lolx... curious a? haha... lai lai guess who is it lo~ hmmm... *guessin* BF??? 不可能啦... vivian? nop... swit ching? yin jie? huey shin??? nopee~ all wrong... hahah... well u guys shud noe la... when i din cal u guys out... means my fren is not from yuhua de lo... *ppl thinkin if not from yuhua means ur fren is from... * ahh YES!!! u're right... my convent fren CAROLYN~~~ ahahah...

me n carolyn were frens since dharma school lolx... but i forgotten wat age edi luuu... so long liao... dun expect me to remember la... cox hor... i got "young alzheimer" de... always short term memory lost like DORIS in nemo~~~ ahaha... dun blame me~

haiz... she's goin for national service edi leh... so sad la... wil miss her a lot... for 3 months!!! OMG so long... sobs sobs... wil miss chattin wit her in msn lo... n also... her bloggie... hahaa... cox her bloggie posts r quite interestin de leh... always got those "rojak" languages... readin her bloggie is 1 of my entertainment in this boring life LOL!!!

when we reached metro point hor... i was soooo hungry leh... my mind was just food food food nia... ahaha... n we both kept sayin "dunno... anythin... u decide la..." lolx... so funny leh... both dun wanna decide... seems like a bit same type leh... hahaah...

after discussin awhile... akhirnya~ we decided to... try lunchie k time hours lolx... carolyn said it's her 1st time to music box wit fren lolx... we minum ice lemon tea~ i makan curry chicken rice manakala she makan fried rice wit sausage lolx...

it's my 1st time leh... holdin mic n sing lolx... usually wit frens hor... i always either put d mic far from my mouth or singin without mic de... hahaa... we both also got 走音 la... but i sang 走音 d most LOL!!! her voice singin chinese n canto quite nice la... hahaa... we also took some pics in d room lolx... takin her white white face pic b4 ns lol~ then can let her compare her NOW n AFTER lolx... ahaha... dun angry a...

seterusnya... we jus gai gai around lo... nothin to do ma... so went to arcade zone to play lolx... we played d photo thingie... n this time was easier lolx... we finished all 10 stages~~~ hahaa... n used up only 1 clue~ BUT stil din manage to break record lol... hahaa nvm la... stil menang ma... jus a bit diff nia...

d basketball hor... wa seh... i played until so tired leh... altho jus 1 game nia... lawl... my hands hor... like robot lolx... kept shootin non-stop nia... imagine ur hands keep on takin d balls n shoot... tired bo? of cox TIRED la... unless u abnormal lolx... tambahan pula... got timin de leh... n i'm not pro basketball player also... wat u expect? lolx...

well... metro point got nothin much to see de... but it's d BEST in kajang lolx... cox metro kajang kinda suckz lol... dat place is lao ya de... metro point at least "high class" a bit lo... got starbucks la... dunkin donuts... kenny rogers chicken... baskin robbins... old town white coffee... secret recipe!!! somethin like dat la... can consider very "high class" in kajang edi lo... cox u noe la... our livin expenses not so high compare to kl... hahaa... kl ppl damn PRO at earnin n spendin money de leh... hahaa... their money like water nia... they like = water wil flow... ahahaa...

while we were gai gai -ING... we saw somethin!!! n it's an OMG news!!! super BIG news leh... n i think it's d BIGGEST news in kajang history LOL~ u noe wat? BOSCO 黄宗泽 is COMIN to metro point!!! OMG... so swt la... u imagine bosco comin to metro point to sign autographs LOL!!! so funny la... got so many nice places like sungei wang la... times square... klcc la... pavillion... midvalley~~~ n he pilih METRO POINT??? OMG la... hahaa seriously me n carolyn were stunned lolx... so swt la...

from hong kong all d way to m'sia... jus to come to metro point??? OMG... cox u noe la... metro point hor... d place is like... a bit wat la... altho it's better than metro kajang lolx... n u noe wat? when i told my bro hor... he said "bosco? mus b comin to kajang to eat satay de la... cox kajang famous for satay ma... n mayb metro point manager invite him 顺便 do an autography section here... n he wil get free satays?" LOL... ahahaa...

well since he is comin to metro point on 29dec... 2pm til 5pm... i 100% wil go n meet him lolx... altho i'm not his fans la... hahaa... but i got watch tvb hk dramas also... u fikir fikir la... usually famous ppl wil only go to kl~ n now can meet him here wor... face to face!!! mayb even shakin his hand??? LOL... n lagi FREE of CHARGE leh... who dun wan o? dat fella mus b stupid la... n it's damn NEAR my house nia... + he's quite famous in hk leh... hahaaa... n i'm sure metro point wil b SUPER crowded lolx... unless NOBODY knows about it at all la... hahaa...

ermm... we also bought somethin same leh... cox i wanna buy somethin same same b4 she goes for ns~ n we bought watches lol... mine is reddish manakala hers is blueish i think... cox her watch seems like blue... looks like blue... but im not sure whether it's blue LOL... sounds familiar? ahh YES!!! it's from lingam's phrase "looks like me... sounds like me... but i'm not sure it's me..." ahahaa...

after dat... we balik rumah lo... i fetched her home lol... well good luck to her... all da best durin ns~~~ mus b happy always... n dun jus "gap zai" wor... hahaa... 3 months in port dickson... mus b quite fun ba... since it's her "territory" LOL... hope to see her soon... n her bloggie posts lolx... durin chinese new year i wanna go her house to take angpau leh... hahaaa... ok till here... jia you jia you~~~ happy x-mas n happy new year 2009~~~

lol me n carolyn singin k + makan~~~

jajaja... me n carolyn again~ of cox la... d room only 2 of us nia... if not wit who? lmao...

erm... carolyn said she wanna stand behind me? i think lolx... forgotten edi luu...

lookie lookie... now de carolyn lolx... white white de... hahaa...

our frenship watch~ reddish n blueish? i guess...


nUNu said... ho...
LOL...where is metro point i oso duno..pai se pai se..haha...
havent update blog la..i sav 3 drafts ad le bt havent post them yet...

Last said...

i got 2 drafts LOL...
less than u but...
my pangkor 1...
i think can cover ur 2 posts edi lol...
metro point a...
i think it's the only 1 in kajang lol..
cox not famous also...

nUNu said...

Going to finish d genting post ad..
bt ah..d lousy video upload so long..nearly d whole 2 videos le..1 video ad took me nearly d whole day..aiyo..nw gt d 2nd 1...
so cham..duno wat happen..

Last said...

i got few videos too...
but when i ask~
can i put video in blog?
they all say~
sad sad lol...
if not very funny 1 lolx...

nUNu said...

Who u ask whether can put d video in blog???aiyoo..if can put ma gud lo...i get to watch it ma..hahaa..

Last said...

the pangkor video...
got de lol...
n the karaoke room...
we also got record de lol...
maybe nex time ba...