Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dengue Fever

hmmm... since i kena before... i'll jus briefly describe about da denggi thingie... well i think semua tahu dat denggi is caused by nyamuk aedes rite? yah wit da black n white jalur de... but some hor... tak mesti macam pattern tu de...

so hor... mus be aware of all da nyamuk la... don't say TAK BOLEH kill... cox of da "no killin" precept... u'll regret 100% de...

cox hor... wat if da nyamuk is chikunya? r u goin to risk it? altho u won't die... BUT ur bones n joints wil pain like HELL... n even tho u recover edi... da pain masih ada... u'll need half a year to recover 100%... such a dangerous penyakit... u sure u wanna try lol?

well if u hav sudden fever... n da fever asyik naik turun nia... around 38.0 hingga 39.7... n masih begitu for few days... even tho makan ubat edi... then u might wanna do blood test... cox most probably is denggi...

if u confirm denggi edi... u terpaksa masuk hospital "吊水"... u might hav diarrhea... feelin nausea... or vomit... ur body wil hav rashes... feelin tired da whole time... so setiap hari terpaksa buat blood test + makan ubat... totally bo mood to makan...

n if u start to feel itchy... well it's a GOOD thing... cox it's a sign of RECOVERY... but da itchy-ness hor... really DAMN itchy until u beh tahan... scratchin da whole day... at night also tak boleh tidur lol...

but afta da "torture"... if confirm no fever edi... + platelet level startin to naik... means u're ok edi... sudah boleh keluar hospital luuu...

well~ altho denggi is fatal... as long as ur platelet level dun turun hinnga 20 or below... ur life is not in danger... cox if platelet level at 20 or below... u terpaksa masuk ICU "intensive care unit" edi... to transmit blood into ur body...

so beware of nyamuk LOL!!! prevention is always better than cure... so if u see any nyamuk flyin here n ther... MUST kill it lol... dun giv mercy or u'll regret for sure... n not to mention... da jabatan kesihatan lady said dat KAJANG is da "NUMBER 1" denggi in m'sia LOL...

so hor... u all "sek do" la... til here... take care guys~


nUNu said... experince ad now warning n teaching ppl hor...gud i'll keep aware of those symptoms...hahhahaabt scard i 4gt ony....

Last said...

mus be careful lo...
denggi dun play play leh...
very cham de...
but not as cham as chikunya nia...
take care ba...
n KILL da mosquitoes!!!