Thursday, January 8, 2009

An Unexpected Situation

i never never NEVER tot it wil happen to me... hontouni shinjiranai desu!!! OMG 我竟然 "fits"??? wth NEVER in my life!!! 真是 "hak" 到~ 无话可说了...

on 3rd of JAN~ "it" HAPPENED to me!!! oh great~ wat a "lucky" day... somethin i never ever expect in my life... "FITS"~ similar to 发羊吊... but it's NOT... it only happens durin fever... n usually children nia... unless u got "fits" history before...

well~ da situation is... dizzy dizzy n PENGSAN... n durin da unconsciousness... ur mouth is DAMN tight... won't open de... n ur teeth keep gigit-ING sendiri... might hurt ur lips too... BUT usually last for few secs or mins nia... cox it wil stop sendiri de... n da BEST way is to let da person baring on da floor to prevent tongue kena gigit n mati...? or da traditional way~ which is puttin somethin HARD into da mouth... so that oxygen can masuk...

well i'll tell u about my "experience"... since few days ago... i was fever-ING edi... while i was walkin towards my bed... suddenly i felt kinda pening... havin double vision... walkin north south east west... like a "不倒翁"... then jus "snap"~ PENGSAN... hahaa...

i dun think i'm conscious at all lol... cox i dun really remember wat happened... i jus heard screamin n shoutin lolx... n everythin was "black"... altho i tried to reach out... but my eyes barely can open... n ther's a sec i had this kind of tot~ "am i goin to die?" lololol...

BUT thank god la... nothin~ when i was conscious again... was in da car edi... inside my mouth got my tooth brush lolol... n my mum kept "blowin" gas into my mouth~ OMG my 1st kiss? is wit my mum??? LMAO! n she kept sayin "哦弥陀佛.. 观音菩萨保佑你... 平安无事... 做了那么多善事... 菩萨一定要保佑你..." a bit cryin~ n my dad kept askin "u alright? u ok? u ok... ok..." aiks i feel kinda bad... for scarin them like that... especially my mum~

n my bro's drivin skills really number 1 lololol... sooo fast~ afta 15 mins... i reached da hospital edi... "KPJ"~ kajang specialist hospital... erm actually i never hav "fits" before de... but dunno why now suddenly got... n da doctor said hor... once u got "fits"... nex time if havin fever... mus be careful edi... cox it might happen again... OMG!!! i dun wanna SICK again... n i DUN wanna pengsan again in da college? absolutely NOOOO way...

so hor... if i'm sick... hope u guys can look out for me~ especially fever time... ONEGAI shimasu~ thx thx... a million thx lol...


nUNu said...

Gosh..jz glad ur alrite now..
Was shicked whn heard ur bro said ur diagnosed wif denggi...n it's my 1st day working in sbux on 3rd jan...
n ah...whn working cant use my hp...
store manager said ah...
i tou tou c la whn im at BOH(back of house)...thn ltr u msg me..tht time i was working closing which is till midnite...

Last said...

oh lol...
yah kena denggi...
so "lucky" lol...
ur 1st day workin a?
so ngam lololol...