Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Makin Choices

this is da moment... a "historical" year... a year of makin difficult choices... a year where we use our brain to think da most... to decide our future path... either to da better or worst...

an indecisive moment... confusin all da time... wonderin how to choose... shud it be interest? or money? cox without money... we cannot survive... but without interest... we dun hav da motivation to continue... so how~

shud we follow our parents' advice? to do wat's best for our future... a course dat guarantee money income... or shud we follow our heart? to do somethin we're interested in... dat wil guarantee happiness but NOT money...

studyin somethin we dun like... macam studyin sejarah nia... is dat da life we wan? a life dat is "dead"... memorizin da whole time... no need to think... a life without fun... altho it guarantee money income... but do we really wanna hav this kind of life? wat a dull n boring life...

but studyin somethin we like... we wil hav da motivation to continue... bcox it's somethin we choose... somethin we really wanna do in our life... it's a promise we make no matter wat... altho it doesn guarantee good money income... but we hav da "heart" to do it... n i'm sure we wil succeed some day...

so wat's ur choice? go for money? or go for interest? if me... i'll choose interest no matter wat... i've made up my mind... to follow my heart... to do somethin i'm interested in... altho it's a bit hard to find job... or low salary... but i believ some day... my income might be higher than those accountants or engineers... hahaa...

well... studyin somethin we dun like but guarantee good money income? we might be cukup makan cukup tidur... but we won't be happy... cox it's a life without interest... manakala studyin somethin we like but doesn guarantee money income? we might not be as well paid as others... but we'll be happier than them... cox we hav a life wit interest... n might surpass them one day...

lastly... think carefully before u make ur choice... bcox it wil determine ur own future... to a happy life? or dull life? a life wit money but without interest? it's up to u... it's ur own future... n u shud decide urself... dun get influenced easily by words... it's ur choice n i'm sure u wil promise to finish it no matter wat... jia you jia you~


nUNu said...

hey..i agrree wif u..
no interest,no motivation...
n ah...if choose the course which v dun like.v will do the job which v dun like 4 like d rest of our live till v i think i'l choose wat im interested in oso...haha... gt the right job v hav interest on,v'll find it enjoyable evrytime v do it..

Last said...

hahaa yah...
if get da right course...
right job n interest...
altho hard to earn money...
but i think we'll find it very enjoyable lo...
won't suffer lolol...
so wat u gonna choose?