Thursday, November 20, 2008

Chemistry Buh-Bye

woohooo... finally the word "CHEMISTRY" is OUT from my life FOREVER!!! banzai~~~ no longer hav to TOUCH chemistry edi... n there's nothin much more happier than this FOR today lolol...

i'm glad that it's finally over now... dun hav to struggle so much edi... the terms + properties really drivin me NUTS... suddenly colour ini colour itu... apa colour pun ada... really confusin... well since i'm not gonna choose a course related to chemistry... so i'll just let those terms + properties fly away as memories lolol... coz chemistry has never been my cup of tea lol...

anyway... it's kinda late now... chemistry story stops here... gotta go edi... sleep sleep sleep lol... good night... n buh-bye to chemistry~~~ ja ne~~~ xD

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