Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Created History

wa seh... this week ponteng paling banyak kali de... some more it's gerak gempur paper 1 week LOL... wahahah... 1st time ponteng + din take exam... really create history luuu... just like mr nagaya said... "u're graduatin soon... b4 leave school try to create some history LOL..." n i did it!!! yeah~~~~ this year ponteng paling banyak de... usually i seldom ponteng de... but dunno why la... ponteng seems like very fun LOL... hahaa... semakin 'old' semakin banyak kali ponteng LOL...

5 nov is the last day of normal school days... today i din go to school too... wahahaha... but went to school with vivian n huey shin... just to take our class t-shirts n magazines lol... so syok man... vivian drove us there lol... with her 'waja' car skills... x_x

1st time leh... ponteng school edi... but still DARE to wear t-shirt + shorts to school... 光明正大地 walk into the school + pass tru the guard LOL... wa that time... really syok leh... so yeng~~~ really create HISTORY edi la!!! at least after i graduate... i won't forget this SYOK moment LOL... it's somethin diff that i never did it b4 in my entire life LOL...

but hor... when i walked into the school with t-shirt + shorts... n went upstairs into my class... i saw so many boys at the corridor... we felt so pai seh la... keep pushin each other sayin "很 pai seh la... 你先啦... 不要咧... 我在你后面... 你先上去...不然一起啦..." haha... + everybody's lookin at us... well u know de la... so many eyes on u... u also will feel pai seh la... some more it's school day n i din go school... still dare to go school with my shorts LOL... after goin up... i stood behind my class door n keep callin "wan yean~~~"... n finally she noticed us LOL... then she said "进来啦... 班上没有人..." n when we walked into the class... the class really FUI YOH!!!! as i expected... heng yin mei's group was there lol... n some of chan wei jian's group... n of coz the couple... the class hor... was like almost EMPTY lol... only 5< ppl <10 came lol... aiks im usin maths in blog lol...
maybe this is maths application in life? lolz...

after that... we went for lunch at the seven wonders kitchen... dunno correct or not the name lol... then we went to metro point lo... played racing car + basketball in the arcade zone LOL... cant' believe right? ppl sure say " u siao la... spm next week edi... still play play in arcade zone? 想死啊?" sej 读完了啊?" hahaha... aiya spm... cannot always study de ma... must relax a bit de... if not really study until siao lo...

haiz... spm kah? really lookin forward after spm LOL!!! wonder what my life would be then? maybe my life will be like this "喂... yam cha luuu... 要吗? 几时? 等一下咯... or 很闲咧... 出去咯... 要不要?" hahaha... maybe my life will be 24 hours on call LOL... waitin for ppl to call me out for yam cha or gai gai lo... wa seh... spm belum lagi already day dreamin about selepas spm stuff LOL... after spm i really wanna rip those books apart LOL... but sad leh... i dun hav claws to rip those books apart... + this year all also buku pinjaman de... haiz... maybe i'll just burn the f4 books LOL... oh oh cannot... my mum wanna recycle them LOL... n i wanna giv some books away to my friend too... =D hmmmm... the only thing left is KC books lol... wahahaha.... i hate the most lol... coz need to memorize 3 books leh... n it's the last day exam subject too!!! after exam i think i will throw those books into the sky... usually ppl graduate throw motars right? but this time would be diff... i'll throw KC books instead!!! LOL... i think i'm a bit siao edi lol... k skip this...

hmmm... this year's school magazine... a bit disappointed leh... the front page... my friend said "很像 80 年代那种..." LOL... n it really does... coz the colour + design... really looks like in the 80s lol... but nvm la... at least our class photos look great... i think our class created HISTORY in the school magazine lol... we hav 5 photos + colours... weeeeee... other classes max only 3 + colours... wahahaha... 5B rockz!!!! yeah~~~ i luv my class... it's the BEST... wahaha...

by right this time i shud be studyin sejarah de... but i'm lazy leh... so i online to write my blog + chat with my friend lol... today is nov 5... tomorrow is nov 6!!! it's my graduation day~~~~ yippeeee... finally it's my turn lol... usually at this time when i was f4... i keep wonderin when will i graduate just like them? n finally finally finally... it's my very own f5 graduation day... yeah~~~ i'm really excitin lol... can't wait... the only thing i'm lookin forward to... is after the graduation ceremony where every1 changes their uniforms n wear class t-shirts + jeans... wahahaha... seems very syok leh... i'm not interested in the graduation ceremony lol... it's kinda boring to me... just like normal graduation where every1 walks up the stage to take the cert then walk down LOL... it's so boring leh... n the theme song is 感恩的心... my friend said "yer... 每年都是这首歌... 不闲的咩? 换一下流行曲嘛..." hahaha... actually also true la... why this song? it's not like a teacher is retirin lol... it's a student graduation ceremony ma... really dunno what they think lol...

hmmm... nothin to type edi... + very long also... till here ba... haha...
graduation day tomorrow lo... go go 5B~~~~ =D


nUNu said...

Wooaa...wear t-shirt n shorts..
1 word... YENG!!
i din wear any shorts 2 shl b4..
cz sure kena tangkap or t-shirts..
cz u noe la..malay shl ma..haha

Last said...

ya lo malay school...
they dun let d...
lol 1st time so darin leh...
really created history LOL...
on the last day LOL...