Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's SPM Wartime

wahahaha... i'm back LOL!!! well well well... i know what u guys wanna say lol... terkejut to see me bloggin again? ahahaha... altho i did say that previous 1 will be my last... but i think i did mention that sometimes my words dun count right? coz my sikap + nafsu... ahahaa... cham luuu... addicted to bloggin edi lol...

hmmm... today i came back quite early lol... maths exam finished at 12.30pm... able to balik awal durin spm season is really 非常非常超级超级难得的事情 lo... coz it's the ONLY day... + others wud be around 3.30pm or 4.30pm...

since i'm havin spm now... i wud like to express my so-called "spm feelin" to every1... well dun ever say "cheh... spm feelin only ma... what's so big deal?" wei... i tell u hor... if u really think like that then really 大错特错 lo... coz this so-called "spm feelin" hor... is super dooper rare de leh... n it only happens ONCE in a lifetime...

durin spm... u might feel the pressure, the tension, the stress, the nervous... or apa-apa saja feelin la... n i know... we all hate "them" so much right? 恨不得他们快点走 lol... however... to be able to experience these feelin... i think it's somethin very special... coz it's a PROVE that we've been tru our teenage life... n it's the endin of it...

well... i bet nobody likes exam... especially spm!!! if they do... they must be ki siao right??? LOL... but durin the spm month... i think we must 好好地珍惜 our days... n dun u get me wrong here... it's not 珍惜 spm lol... it's 珍惜与朋友在一起的日子... after spm every1 will hav their sendiri punya kehidupan... 而且我们不能再像以前一样的在一起了... kinda sad tho...

errr... i'm out of words edi... so let's just skip that part ba LOL... ahaha... hmmm let's see... durin the 1st 3 days of spm... i think i sudah beh tahan edi lol... OMG i was tired like siao man... especially tues n wed... the exam finished at 4.30pm!!! this is so INSANE lol... i think i never ever spent 9 hours straight in school before LOL... walao... i think i really BREAK my school time record LOL...

altho i'm tired... but i'm kinda excited lol... 4 subs down 7 more to go... 3 days down 5 days more to go!!! n we'll be FREE~~~ woohooo... can't wait lol... let's go go go... fight till the end!!! minna-san ganbarimasu... =D

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