Sunday, November 9, 2008

Last Post Before Havin SPM War

hmmm... by right i shudn be bloggin now de lol... i know i MUST stop bloggin now... n shud be studyin sej LOL!!! tambahan pula i already stated that my previous post would be my last post LOL... but hor... bo bian lo... i'm this kind of person lol... when i feel like doin somethin but din do... my hand will feel itchy lol... then AKHIR buat juga LOLOL... well that's my bad habit lol... susah nak ubah edi... always say tak mau buat edi BUT still buat juga lololol...

haiz... what to do? that's who i m lol... n i think i'm addicted to bloggin edi... is that bad? or good??? lololol... i think sama sama saja la... bad coz bloggin really need a lot of time... good coz bloggin can KILL time n borin-ness + improve english perhaps? lol...

k let's talk about sej... the sej hor... i baca baca baca... until very bosan lol... but so WEIRD leh... i din feel sleepy at all LOL... really BREAK RECORD edi LOLOLOL!!! 1st time study sej din fall asleep lol... wa seh... really 奇迹 leh... hahaha... i wonder what happened to me today lol... sot edi? maybe lol...

well still got 2 days left till spm... eh not 2 days... is 1 + half days left lol... i bet every1 is SUPER nervous now... n very STRESS lo... but me hor... i think i'm diff a bit lol... until now... i still haven feel any nervous-ness lol... what about stress??? maybe a little bit lo... i think the main reason why i hav NO feelin for spm is bcoz i went tru too many exams this year edi LOL...

u see hor... monthly exam in march, midyear exam in may, trial exam in sept, gerak gempur in oct... waaaa this year really very cham leh... for f5 students... actually shud be every year de f5 students lol... haiz... maybe coz i keep exam exam only... kinda fed up + exam until NUMB edi lol... or maybe coz durin the midyear + trial i was very nervous... until my nervous feelin also gone edi lol... so now bo feelin liao lol... hahaa...

well i guess this will be my last last last post b4 spm... n i hope i'm right lol... gotta stop here edi... continue on 26 nov lol... till here... chiao~~~ buh-bye~~~ ja ne~~~

every1 spm 加油加油 o!!! i've wrote somethin for u guys... take a look down there... =D
hopefully after u guys read it will be more 精神 lol...

3 more weeks to go... issho ni ganbarimasu~~~

woa... colourful smarties lol... this special bottle of smarties is from US lol... my mum's friend gav us... n i'm gonna eat them durin my spm lol... hopefully the smarties will brin me some luck LOL...

minna-san ganbatte ne~~~

carolyn... after spm must hav gatherin o... hahaa... jia you jia you... =D

nunu... after spm we try to create some html overlay layouts lol... may god bless u... =D


nUNu said...

Hmm..hope the smarties will make u smarter...
u write on ur table or on a piece of paper??

Last said...

hope so lol...
smarties rulezzz lol...
on the table lol...
where got paper like this de?

nUNu said...

LOLOL...wait..u serious??
thn can rubb off anot??
of u wanna leave it there as memory?

Last said...

of coz can rub off d...
if not i also wont write la...
if permanent d...
i mati lo...
parents sure scold lol...
but after i took the photo...
rub it off le...
or u want me to keep it there lol...

nUNu said...

HAHHA...can can..keep there as nxt time whn u c it..
u'll hav a sweet nostalgic memory to rmbr..about SPM..about u,study till wanna ki siao,about ur frens taking SPM wif u...lolol..

Last said...

but the sad thing is...
i already rub off wor...
how to keep as memory edi?
if not u want me to write again?
if write again...
not same edi de...
the feeling is diff lolol...
not nice...
so suan le ba...
i'll keep the memory in blog LOL...
u also will remember this...
coz got ur name written LOL...

nUNu said...

blog oso will bring bac sum sweet memories...
yea...n nt ony tht...
sum memories are sad,sum happy..
waaaa...v keep replying each other in comment n shout out...while msn is there 4 us 2 use..LOLO

Last said...

ya ya...
bloggin is fun lol...
if we see back our posts...
we also will laugh lol...
postin in shoutout + comment fun ma...
msn just for us to...
inform that reply has been made LOL...

nUNu said...

like v r chatting here..more thn leaving a short comment....HAHAAH

Last said...

well who cares lol...
no rules say that we cannot chat here ma lol...
ppl sure very curious d...
how come this post got many comments lol...
ppl tot very famous...
but when they read LOL...
ta dahhh!!! all chattin nia...

nUNu said...

LOLOL!!10 comments d ah..
i din realize tht...
HAHAHA..yea..kinda weird of us...
ppl might think many ppl drop u comment..arite i gtg..chao...

Last said...

hahah... ya...
shuang lo u...
got nice nice dinner waitin 4 u...
nice food waitin 4 u to makan LOL...
hav a great time...