Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Memorable Graduation Day

huhuhu... today aka thursday aka 6 nov 2008.... is my very 1st n very last form5 graduation day lol... i'm so happy but sad also lol... kinda confusin right? i'm happy coz i finally graduated lo... i'm sad coz i still need to sit for spm LOL... usually ppl graduated edi no need come back school right? but we form5 still need la... not fair leh... wan graduate also cannot graduate shuang shuang lol...

b4 the ceremony started... all classes hav to line up accordin to their numbers at the basketball court lo... n by right we shud be there at 7.30am de... but hor our class like a bit "大牌" lo... hahaha... 7.40am edi but we were still chattin in the class LOL... until almost every1 was waitin at the basketball court only we came down lol... then when we came down... mr nagaya holdin his loud speaker keep callin "5B 5B... aiyo cepat la... nah beratur di sini..." then we fai fai walked towards there lo... but of coz we dun there to walk in front of every1 LOL... we walked from the back... ahahaha... then hor... so funny la... he said "haiyo 5B... apa lambat sangat? 5A pun sudah masuk... eh... mana lelaki? 1 saja kah? aiyoyo... semua orang tunggu kamu la... ok~~~ semua orang sila beri tepukan kepada 5B..." **loud claps** we like so pai seh la... keep laughin lol... really pai seh + funny at that moment... ahahaha... then he said "ahha... kamu semua tunggu sampai last baru masuk..." hahaa... he kept smilin at us while "scoldin" LOL... altho he sounded angry but actually he was not angry at all LOL... his face expression is like "aiya last day also like that... really mou ngan tai..." somethin like that LOL... hahaaa... but nvm la... we 5B created history right? just like mr nagaya said... CREATE HISTORY B4 U LEAVE YU HUA... well for the 1st time every1 clapped for us 5B wor... so yeng hor? even mr chua a teng... our discipline teacher also said "哇... 你们啊... 最后一天都这样..." then we answered him balik "是咯... 老师... 最后一天了嘛... 不能再这样了..." hahahaah... really funny LOL... after every1 went into the hall... we still stood there for about 10 mins... coz mr nagaya said "saya belum terima arahan untuk beri kamu masuk... ahha tunggu sini la... tak payah masuk..." lol he kept smilin... at last our turn to masuk lo... of coz they will let us masuk la... we're also the 主角 today ma... haha...

the ceremony hor... really 闲到爆... haiz... every1 in the school hall... so "gok"... + bad ventilation lol... really hot like siao 1... swt so much LOL... we just guai guai sat there + listened to the "very important ppl" speeches lol... n hor... i really beh tahan them de wor... they really very lo soh... talked so long de... they just bla bla bla all they want lol... i think nobody listened to them de la LOL...

selepas tu ialah hadiah section lo... those ppl with cemerlang results in apa subjects + cemerlang in kokurikulum will hav the chance to go up stage n get the hadiah lo... well ppl like me who is lazy... sure won't hav the chance to get de la... hopeless me LOL... but no worries lol... coz it's graduation day for form5... so every1 will hav their chances to go up stage + shake hands + get our sendiri punya "hadiah" lo... actually it's not a special "hadiah" like others... it's just our graduation certs LOL... this is how i 安慰 myself lo... hahha...

durin this hadiah penyampaian section hor... many pemenangs from 5A n 5D lo... but our 5B class hor... cannot compare la... hahaha... when their class ppl got the hadiah... they all "wohhhh"... so loud la... they even stood up while clappin... but our class hor... like 不齐心的... kinda passive lol... not every1 shouted or clapped also... the sound so soft only LOL... even chan wei jian... our class de "f5 best olahragawan" also din hear lol... haiz... really 可惜 leh... wanted to create 人浪 de but some dun wan... 不齐心 aaaaa... not fun enough leh... kesian our class de pemenangs hadiah... wanted to "wohhhhh" also lost to other classes lol...

but nvm la... 5B class still the BEST BEST BEST... altho we may not be that active as other classes... but we're active in our class de activities... like creatin t-shirt... celebratin friends' birthday... givin farewell cake to datin... graduation trip... bla bla bla... our class system is movin smoothly lol... n i'm very satisfied with it LOL... not to forget that our class has all the good teachers... wahahah... friendly + good teachers... n i like them... =D well my class is really very 幸福 lo... hahaa...

hmmm... the ceremony ended around 10.30am... but b4 that... our school of coz will never forget our every year "graduation theme song - 感恩的心" LOL... the chorus part is :

感恩的心 感谢有你
感恩的心 感谢命运

altho the song not bad la... but was kinda lame... coz old song ma... suitable for old ppl lol... but dunno why hor... we sang until quite "high" lo... hahaa... maybe coz it's THE graduation day ba... some classes even shouted for encore LOL... n some ppl cried lo... well cryin sure got de lo... graduation ma... some more the song was like tambah tambah the sadness in some ppl's heart LOL... in that situation... u can say not sad meh??? LOL...

after the ceremony... every1 fai fai cari orang untuk ambil gambar lo... especially friends lo... since every1 was in the hall ma... easy to find LOL... but i beh tahan lo... coz too hot + borin edi... so we fai fai keluar cari teacher ambil gambar also lo... hohoho... guess who i found? it's mr nagaya!!! wahahaha... then i was like "cikgu cikgu... ambil gambar..." n he said "ambil gambah ar? boleh boleh..." so we took photo together lo... then i said "cikgu cikgu... saya nak ambil gambar cikgu tapi hanya cikgu sendiri..." then he stood there waitin for me to take... aiyo his face so serious + stood like a wood lol... so i said " cikgu... giv some style..." then he stood more yeng a bit lo... hahaha... later we also took photo with pn nirmala... our 2nd english teacher... well she was more like a "yo yo yo" style teacher... hahaha... coz she always "yo here yo there... + oh man..." really like a european LOL... oh ya... almost forgotten... i took photo with pn loh siew wen!!! my favourite f3 maths teacher... =D

after that... we went back to class lo... took some photos then went to toilet to change into our class t-shirt... weeeee class t-shirt... but sad la... how come they dun let us to wear class t-shirt durin graduation ceremony??? why after the ceremony only let us wear... haiz... why wajib us to wear uniform durin the ceremony? uniform really suckz la... ceremony shud wear class t-shirt... only nice ma... hahaa... if not what's the point for designin class t-shirt where we cannot wear them durin the ceremony...? only durin the ceremony we can see all the different classes t-shirts ma... after ceremony who see o? only we see + our friends see LOL...

but nvm la... dun wanna say edi... already over lol... wooohoooo... i think i took the most photos today lol... about 110 leh... really 破纪录 LOL... 1 day then 110 photos edi... n 100% battery sudah jadi 30% saja... i also took some photos with my teachers lo... mr yong kiang yew... pn tan yee va... pn ean yong moon... pn loo ai hwa... pn sang fay lee... cik chow khin wai... pn faridah yasmin... pn che noraidah "class teacher"...

the funniest moment while takin photo was durin mr yong kiang yew's turn lol... our kc teacher... i think the "cameraman" 拿相机 until 闲 edi... hahahaha... there were about 8 cameras waitin for him LOL... then mr yong said "哇... 好像明星..." coz so many ppl wanna take photo with him LOL... after the photo section... he said "你们啊... 只读 kc 就好了... 别的科不及格不用紧... kc 一定要及格... 我对你们抱有很大的期望... 你们一定要得 A1..." then we're like "哇? 老师要得 A1 要多少分?" then he said "大概 86 分..." n we all "哇!!! 这样高?" so he said "如果你们考不到 A... 我就要从此躲避你们... 转到别的学校... 因为如果你们考不好... 就表示我教得很失败咯..." then we all looked at him... n he showed his left hand... like a high 5 style... said "来要不要? 打了就能拿 A1..." LOL... i think almost every1 high 5 with him except me n 2 boys lol... then got 1 boy said "老师... 能摸你的头吗?" LOL!!!! n he replied "不能... 摸了就会拿 zero..." LOL so funny leh... coz his hair not much lol... a bit botak lol... besides him... pn sang also very cute la... especially when i caught her eatin food in the teachers' room LOL... while she was chewin the food... her expression very funny n cute la... i wanna take photo while she was eatin de... but she dun wan... awwww... sad leh... i said "老师... 来拍照...我想拍你吃东西的样子... 很可爱咧..." but she keep turnin her face away sayin "不要不要... 不要不要..." haha... so funny lol... n she kept smilin... tryin to avoid the camera LOL...

woooo... i wrote so much edi lol... oh... forgotten to say... after the ceremony all f5 students got free kfc + soya bean drink... jajaja... yummy~~~ actually takin photos also quite tirin lol... coz we hav to smile so many times... + we need to keep our smile coz got so many cameras!!! xD

after finish takin photos... some of us went to metro point to sing k lol... altho it was just 1 hour only... but we had a great time there... every1 sang until so siao 1... especially the song "超喜欢你" lol... more like shoutin LOL... wa seh... the music box hor... i think 50% also yuhua students leh... 5A 5C 5D 5F bla bla bla... so many classes lol... so siao 1... hahaha...

after the k time... i pergi cari carolyn lo... my old friend lol... kesian saya terpaksa borrowed my friend's umbrella lol... coz when we came out from metro point... no hujan de... but then suddenly from drizzlin jadi hujan lebat LOL... so i terpaksa borrowed umbrella lol... but also lucky my friend got umbrella leh... if not how i pergi cari dia??? coz my friend not headin towards town lol... she just dropped me at a place coz her home is semenyih ma... mana boleh purposely go town right? waste petrol LOL... hahaha... thx to her also... huey shin my ah ma... lol =X

hohoho... carolyn arrr... really long time no see la... altho we did met durin the dharma school charity thing... u're still the same to me LOL... since form1 we separated coz u transferred to convent school lo... but u're look is still the SAME... wahahah... no change la... still the same old carolyn wong... x_x jajaja... we yam cha at mcdonald leh... ngam ngam i also very hungry coz only makan 2 pieces of chicken... and that was about 11am leh... where got full de? n by time i cari her was about 2+pm i think lol... ngam ngam she also long time din eat mcflurry oreo lol... ahahah... but weird thing is... we chatted a lot in msn leh... but how come when we met... like tak banyak cakap de? maybe a bit pai seh gua... coz long time bo meet LOL... ahaa... but really very fun + nice chattin with u la... about our school stuff... a "secret" between me n u lol... if bocor edi... i think we both also will die LOL... maybe kena tangkap by xxx... i think u know what's i'm sayin... neh the "couple" arrr... if bocor to "them"... really will mati lol.. ahahaha... i'm sayin u la... dun turn away... ya u la... the 1 readin my blog right? lol... carolyn lol... hahaha...

ok till here... too much to say... must stop edi LOL... 5B is the BEST!!! kanpai~~~ banzai~~~ luv my class 4eva... all the best to my friends in upcomin spm exam... jia you jia you... aza aza fighto~~ =D

the graduation ceremony really borin like siao 1... cemerlang students walked up the stage to get their hadiah... well the boring students walked OUT of the hall to take some fresh air LOL... nahh u see u see... so many empty chairs there lol...

f5 students linin up at the lobby... waitin to walk up stage n get our "CERT" lol...

this is the theme song la... so "in" hor? got light some more lol... n that's our "singer" lol... that girl just f3 only... dun mistaken lol... every1 stood up n waved their hands lo... like 演唱会 lol... can see that we're so "high" right?


nUNu said...

Wooaa I think ah..if english essay sum out ur gradueation day, u can write as long as this..provided all english campur campur Bm, chinese...LOLOL

Last said...

LOL... if macam ini... lebih baik jangan tulis lo... teacher speak chinese de ma... how to translate into english? not nice edi de wor... hahaha... but all my grammars r simple d... =S