Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Home Sweet Home

waaa... finally i'm BACK~ to my home sweet home lololol... i really miss my house~ my room~ my bed~ my pc~ my anime~ my drama~ my toilet LOL~ ahahaa... n also my mum's COOKIN!!! thinkin of da yummy yummy makanan... saliva also wanna drop d lolx...

i've been away from home~ for 5 days 4 nights... sounds like vacation rite? yah BUT not makan angin... it's jus da HOSPITAL nia... cox kena denggi fever... terpaksa masuk hospital "吊水"... haiz~

sooo cham leh... right hand cannot mov sesuka hati... cox u know la... da "吊水" thingie is connected to my hand... so it's kinda pain... go toilet also got masalah... n da whole time sleepin nia... or watch tv... disney channel LOL... ahaha... so high class hor? hospital also got astro lololol... lmao...

not to mention... everyday terpaksa makan porridge nia... either chicken or fish flavour... haiz~ makan also no taste... tak yummy de... but sometimes got 100 plus or watermelon juice to drink lo... hahaa... not so bad la...

but da WORST thing is... havin medicine!!! n i paling hate makan medicine de wor... hate da bitter bitter taste... u imagine la... everyday terpaksa makan ubat... setiap kali is 2 tablets... or maybe tambah another 1 for gastric pain... n every 4 hours~ u wil hav ubat to makan... really OMG la... makan ubat also can ki siao edi...

not jus dat... ther's somethin more SCARY... n it's da BLOOD TEST... waaaa takut takut... everyday 5am~ da nurse wil come n take ur blood... each time different nurse!!! sooo scary la... cox some r not PRO in takin blood... waaa pain pain a...

luckily it's OVER edi... n i'm sooo DAMN happy now... OUT n away from "hell"... hahaa... now tak payah takut takut nurse wil come take my blood edi... cox those days macam livin in fear~ 可怕可怕...

altho i'm not 100% recover... cannot simply makan... but at least i'm AWAY from hospital~ AWAY from nurse~ AWAY from blood test~ LOLOL... i'll rest more... sleep early... drink more water... n eat more fruits + vege... hopefully i can recover 100% soon~ cox chinese new year is waitin for me~~~ hahaaa... til here... buh bye~


nUNu said...

LOL... gt astro to watch disney hor...
whn i watch astromd 1st channel i'll turn 2 is disney.hhahaha
c old d still watch disney channel...duno whn ony will really grow up..hahhahahaa...

Last said...

hahaha yah...
tat hospital hor...
quite high class de...
n high tech LOL...
hahaha jus watch disney la...
dun care lol...
nobody says old edi cannto watch ma...