Tuesday, January 20, 2009

No More 18th Birthday

sigh~ it's 12 am... n my birthday is over~~~ damn lololol... time really can fly~ jus like a "superman"... 一转眼就 bo 了... sobs sobs...

haiz~ terpaksa wait another year... waaaaaa~ ANOTHER 346 days??? OMG swt la... sooo slow sia... hav to wait~ slowly slowly... patiently patiently... hahaa...

da upcomin days n months... will be ur turn~ happy early birthday!!! all da best~ n may ur dreams come true~ happy always ya!


nUNu said...

Aiyo...ur bdy.haiz...i'm really outdated...evrything oso outdated...cham lo....anyway...
a vry vry vry vry vry happy belated bday 2 u...really sry 4 soooo late ony wish u...nvm...nxt year...i'll wish u early early...19th jan rite??ha...i noe through FS...

Last said...

u're not outdated la...
jus too busy edi...
its ok lol...
no worries...
yah 19 jan lol...